2 freebies for middle school teachers

As we head into the second half of the school year filled with excitement and challenges, I’m excited by the connections we’ve made with each other! When you email me letting me know how you’re using my resources or with suggestions for blog topics, I feel like maybe teaching isn’t so isolating after all!  The passion for teaching, the tireless dedication to our students’ growth – it’s a bond that unites us.

With that spirit in mind, I’m thrilled to offer you two remarkable resources that have been a game-changer in my own classroom – a Decimal Place Value Activity and an Animal Research Report Template, both crafted with the personal touch of a fellow educator. And the best part? They’re yours for free!

This clever resource combines practicing calculations using decimal place value with a little bit of choice. Students answer a “Would you rather” type of question to decide which calculation they need to complete.

Download your copy of the Decimal Place Value activity here.







I’m always trying to incorporate more LAL skills into science. Using scientific language and practicing research skills is such an important part of the NGSS, so this freebie will come in handy for all of us! Use it as a template for students to research and report on an animal. Download your copy of the Animal Research Report Template here!




Please download these resources or share this blog post with your favorite teacher friends! I hope you’re feeling energized and excited to begin the second half of the year!

3 freebies for middle school teachers

You’re going to want to share this post with your favorite math and LAL/reading teachers who will thank you for giving them access to these 3 fantastic freebies for middle school teachers!






This is an adorable worksheet that gives students practice with division but combines it with a fun puzzle. As students solve the problems, they get to pick eliminate suspects to solve the puzzle. Super fun! Click here to download your copy of the long division problem solving worksheet!









You’re going to love these task cards! Use them for individual work or let students work in pairs to practice these order of operations activities! Click here to download a set of order of operations task cards!











This worksheet is really clever! It helps them identify the character traits of the people in the story and is adaptable to any novel your students are reading! Click here to download the character trait vocabulary worksheet!









I hope these freebies help make your day a little easier, and I hope you’ll share this post with all of your LAL and math teacher friends so they can get in on the good stuff!


2 Free Science Resources for Middle School Teachers

Middle school science teachers have a lot on their plates. There’s never enough time. Not only do we have to create content that addresses the standards and helps students understand a huge volume of material, we also have to make it engaging for students. Don’t forget we also have to modify the activities we do and resources we use to accommodate for diverse learning styles. I’m thrilled to share these 2 resources with you and your students.

scientific method booklet freebie

This first activity I’m proud to share with you is a booklet that you can print for your students to learn about the  scientific method. It helps students by describing each of the steps with great examples to help them understand. Click here to download your scientific method booklet!


free science tools matching worksheet

This second activity is one I can’t wait to use in my classroom. I don’t know if it’s because of the pandemic or because elementary schools don’t spend a lot of time using lab equipment, but I’m often surprised at how often students confuse test tube with beaker with graduated cylinder. This is a great matching activity that helps students identify common science tools. I love it because it’s available in printable and in digital versions. Click here to download your lab equipment matching worksheet!

In the spirit of fostering a love for science, we hope these freebies and special offers add a dash of excitement to your teaching journey. Feel free to share this treasure trove with your fellow educators, because together, we’re creating a community of lifelong learners!

Meteorite Resources for Middle School

Of all of the topics I teach in my 7th and 8th grade science classes, my favorite has to be space. I think it’s the kids’ favorite too. They love learning about the cosmos and are especially fascinated with meteorites.  In today’s blog post, let’s talk about a universe of engaging materials, interactive lessons, and lesson plans about meteorites that will leave your students starry-eyed and excited to learn more about the wonders of our cosmic neighborhood.

meteor crater virtual field trip

For starters, I like to engage students with this one day independent activity that gives them a little peak into the ways that meteors impact the earth. In the Meteor Crater Virtual Tour, students use guided clues to learn about the geology and history of Meteor Crater. Take your students on a field trip without leaving your classroom!







The Scientific Literacy Activity on Killer Asteroids  is another independent activity students can complete to learn about asteroids and asteroid impacts.







This interactive Google Slide Show explores what killed the dinosaurs and helps students understand the difference between comets, asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites.







Once students have a good foundation of knowledge about meteors and impacts, they’ll love this hands on activity. Test various projectiles to determine the effect of mass, diameter, and height (velocity) on the size of the crater that is produced. Using a controlled experiment, students will then attempt to create simple and complex craters using what they’ve learned.





This comets workbook is a great resource for students to dig a little deeper into the topic. There are 17 pages of close reading, worksheets, and a hands on activity (making a model of a comet).







For students that are especially interested in meteorites, the book The Story of Meteorites is a great resource. It explains the difference between meteors, meteoroids and meteorites and explores the different types of meteorites. It’s a great resource for beginning collectors or just curious kids.









For more advanced students, this hands on lab activity can be used to differentiate meteorites from meteor-wrongs. Physical properties that distinguish earth rocks from meteorites are the presence of a fusion crust, regmaglypts, iron oxide, and density. Chemically, meteorites contain nickel while earth rocks rarely do. In this hands on activity, students will be guided to examine each of the chemical and physical properties to draw conclusions about the origin of each rock sample.







And there you have it, fellow cosmic educators!  Your journey into the captivating world of asteroids, meteorites, and comets is just beginning. By incorporating these engaging resources into your 7th and 8th-grade science classes, you’re not only making science fun but also nurturing a love for space exploration in your students. So, what’s the next step? Dive into the Meteor Crater Virtual Tour for a virtual field trip that brings the wonders of Meteor Crater right into your classroom. Watch your students light up with excitement as they unravel the mysteries of impact craters and the geology behind them. Don’t stop there! Take your students on a thrilling exploration of killer asteroids through the Scientific Literacy Activity. This independent task will empower them with knowledge about asteroids and their potential impact on Earth. But wait, there’s more! The interactive Google Slide Show is your ticket to unraveling the mysteries of what led to the demise of the dinosaurs. Help your students distinguish between comets, asteroids, meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites in an engaging and visually stimulating way.

Ready to get hands-on? The projectile experiment is the perfect activity to reinforce their understanding of the impact of mass, diameter, and velocity on crater size. Watch as your students become scientists, conducting controlled experiments and creating craters of all shapes and sizes. For those eager learners who want to delve deeper, the Comets Workbook is a treasure trove of close reading, worksheets, and hands-on activities, allowing students to explore the topic at their own pace.

Last but not least, cater to the meteorite enthusiasts with “The Story of Meteorites.” This book is a fantastic resource for budding collectors or any curious minds keen on understanding the differences between meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites.

Happy exploring, amazing science teachers!

Holiday Science

As the holiday season approaches, science teachers often find themselves facing a unique challenge – how to maintain students’ focus and enthusiasm amidst the distractions of festive cheer. The allure of twinkling lights, the anticipation of winter break, and the general excitement that comes with the holiday spirit can make it challenging to keep young minds engaged in scientific exploration. Fear not, fellow educators, for the solution lies in transforming this festive frenzy into a source of inspiration. In this blog post, we’ll explore a collection of creative and captivating holiday science activities designed to not only capture students’ attention during the holiday season but also foster a love for learning that transcends the tinsel and tunes. Let’s turn this holiday challenge into an opportunity for hands-on, minds-on science education!

holiday science

6 fun holiday science activities:

Drop a comment below and let us know how you’re surviving the last few days before break!


Scavenger Hunts for Middle School Science

What is a scavenger hunt?

A scavenger hunt is an activity in which participants are given a list of items to find, tasks to complete, or clues to solve within a specific area or set of boundaries. The goal of the scavenger hunt is for participants to locate and collect the items, complete the tasks, or solve the clues within a designated time frame. In my middle school science classroom to frontload science content by giving students clues and an opportunity to find out about the topic in advance. Here’s how.

Benefits of scavenger hunts  in middle school scienceParts of a Cell Stations Scavenger Hunt for 7th and 8th graders

There’s a  lot of content to deliver in middle school science, and I’ve tried it all. I lecture, flip the classroom, peer teach, use discussions, have demonstrations and labs – you name it.  When it comes to delivering content in my 7th and 8th grade classrooms, I want three things:

  1. Ease. The activity has to be easy for me to implement. I don’t want to have to collect materials and laminate papers. I don’t want extensive set ups and break downs, especially in a rotating block schedule where consecutive classes might not be on the same activity each day.
  2. Science. The activity has to deliver content. I don’t want fluff. Cute is fine, but I’m here for the science. My students need to know the information.
  3. Engage. While I don’t expect everything to be a game, students have to enjoy the activity. There has to be a sense of importance and ownership to it.Geologic Time Stations Scavenger Hunt for 7th and 8th graders

Our new scavenger hunt product line combines these three elements.

  1. Ease – They are simple to use – just a smidge over “plug and play” – the only thing you have to do is print, hang clues, and give instructions. (Fair warning: I had to repeat the directions a few times……but that shouldn’t be a shock!)
  2. Science – Scavenger hunts deliver science by the bucketload. Even with zero prior knowledge, students emerged from the activity with a solid foundation of the topic.
  3. Engage – When I use scavenger hunts in my 7th and 8th grade classes, students are highly motivated to complete the activity. This is certainly not a game and students wouldn’t call the activity “fun,” but they were engaged throughout the activity.

How does a scavenger hunt work?Layers of the Earth and Continental Drift Stations Scavenger Hunt

The activity focuses on 2 parts – the student handout and the clue cards (numbered 1 to 10) which get hung around the room.

The student handout has spaces for the 10 answers to the 10 questions. Within the 10 answers, some letters are highlighted. If all of the answers are correct, the highlighted letters will spell out the answer to a riddle (I love “dad” jokes – the cornier the better!).

The clue cards each contain a question and a clue. The trick is that the clue is not related to the question but is a clue to a different question.

To complete the activity, the student starts at any clue card. Let’s imagine that the student is starting at card #1. On Card #1 is Question #1. For the Layers of the Earth scavenger hunt, Q1 is “The lithosphere is divided into __ plates.” Students then need to find the answer to that question by reading the other clues around the room. To make it simpler, the modified version of the activity tells students that the answer to Q1 is on card 7.Climate Change and Global Warming Stations Scavenger Hunt for middle school

Students then go to card 7 and read “Earth’s lithosphere is divided into big solid pieces that fit together. These plates don’t just sit still. Sometimes they crash into each other, pull apart, or slide past each other. The plates that the lithosphere is broken into are called tectonic plates and there are many of them.”

So the students would write “tectonic” on their answer sheets next to Q1 and then continue to answer the other questions.

In the layers of the earth activity, highlighted letters of the answers spell out the answer to a riddle. The riddle is at the top of the page – “What side of a turkey has the most feathers?” and the answer is “The outside.” (Yes, I did this activity during Thanksgiving week.)

The great part about this is that students have to search for the answers. This means they’re constantly re-reading, circling back, and reading again.  This helps reinforce the concepts and gives them a break from traditional stand-and-deliver types of lessons.

How do you create a scavenger hunt?Weather Stations Scavenger Hunt for 7th and 8th graders

  1. Choose a topic. To create a scavenger hunt, first decide on a body of knowledge that is non-linear and can be explained in a few short paragraphs. Check out the scavenger hunts we have listed in the JustAddH2OSchool store for ideas!
  2. If you want the answer to be a riddle or a joke, figure out what letters you need for your answer.
  3. Write 10 short paragraphs about the topic. Each paragraph should highlight a different aspect of the topic. For example, each paragraph of our layers of the earth scavenger hunt is about a different layer or a different aspect of a layer of the earth.
  4. Write 1 question for each paragraph. Here’s the tricky part. The answers to each question have to contain the letters for the answer to your joke. In our layers of the earth scavenger hunt, the answer to the joke was “The outside” so the answers to each of the stations needed those letters.
  5. Write a question and a paragraph on each card. Arrange it so that the answers to each question are on different cards to promote walking around and searching for answers.Rainforest Stations Scavenger Hunt for 7th and 8th graders
  6. Write the answer sheet for your students. Include highlighted boxes so they know which letter is part of the answer to the riddle!

Do you want to try a free scavenger hunt?

If you’ve been a follower of the JustAddH2OSchool store and blog for a while, you know that we don’t launch a product line without giving away freebies! Try out this new scavenger hunt product line with this freebie – a scavenger hunt about renewable and nonrenewable energy sources! Click here to download your copy now and comment below with your feedback!


7 Ways to Deliver Content in Science Class

There are as many ways to deliver content in science class as there are teachers, I’m sure, and I’ve tried them all. When you’re delivering content in middle school science, you have to balance efficiency with engagement and retention. Often, I find that delivering content in engaging ways takes more time but delivers higher retention. Conversely, if I need to cover something fast, students are less engaged and retain less.


lecture to deliver content in scienceLecture as a way to deliver content in science

In traditional lecture style content delivery, the teacher is the “sage on the stage.” The teacher states the important information and students write it down. Lecture style instruction is something I use rarely and never for more than a few minutes at a time.

Pros of lecturing:
  • Lecturing is great for clarifying common misunderstandings but students are less engaged and retain less information this way.
  • Lecturing is super efficient – you can cover a large amount of material in a relatively short amount of time.
  • You prevent confusion and students often have a clearer understanding of what’s important and what they need to know.
  • Lecturing also provides consistency – every student receives all of the same information.
  • Teachers have more control over the pace and focus of the content so tangential rabbit holes are avoided.
Cons of lecturing:
  • Students are passive learners in a lecturing style classroom, which limits their engagement and interaction with the material.
  • Students are less likely to remember what they learned in a lecture compared to other methods of content delivery.
  • Lectures require students to sustain attention for extended time which is challenging.
  • Lecturing large quantities of information at once may be overwhelming for students who may feel overwhelmed.

discussion as a way to deliver content in science Discussions, Debates and Socratic Seminars to deliver content in science

In a teacher led discussions, debates, or Socratic seminars, students actively share what they’ve learned, collaborate with other students, and critically think about the content. Discussions, debates, and Socratic seminars differ in formality. Discussions are informal conversations, usually teacher led, about a topic that students have some prior knowledge about.

In a discussion, students benefit from interacting with other students and sharing their opinions and hearing others’ opinions.

A Socratic seminar is a very structured discussion in which students explore different angles of a topic and think critically about it without necessarily taking sides. The goal of a Socratic seminar is to explore and deepen understanding through collaborative inquiry. Socratic seminars are open ended dialogues with students asking each other for clarification or opinions.

A debate is a far more structured conversation with students either taking a side or being assigned a side about a topic. The goal in a debate is to persuade and convince the audience that a particular viewpoint is correct. I use debates in topics such as genetically modified organisms, climate change, nuclear energy, and hybrid and electric vehicles.

Pros of discussions, Socratic seminars and debates in science
  • Students are actively engaged in the content which promotes motivation, understanding and retention.
  • Discussions, Socratic seminars and debates encourage critical thinking on a higher level than most other methods of delivering instruction.
  • Students practice collaboration, communication skills, and teamwork skills while engaging in discussions, Socratic seminars, and debates.
  • Discussions, Socratic seminars, and debates allow for students to share their diverse perspectives and experiences related to scientific concepts which enriches the learning environment.
Cons of discussions, Socratic seminars and debates in science
  • Some students may be hesitant to participate in discussions, and others may dominate discussions, leading to uneven participation.
  • In an open discussion, there is a risk that students might reinforce misconceptions by sharing inaccurate information or by misunderstanding and not getting corrected.
  • Unstructured discussions can sometimes lead to tangential or off-topic conversations, diverting from the core scientific concepts that need to be covered.
  • Without clear guidance or structure, discussions may lack a sense of direction, making it difficult for students to extract key concepts or information from the conversation.
  • Without proper structure or guidance, discussions may veer off into unrelated or non-academic topics, leading to wasted instructional time.


hands on activities to deliver instruction in science Demonstrations and Hands on Activities to deliver content in science

Demonstrations and hands on activities are powerful instructional tools in science.  In a demonstration, a teacher performs an experiment in front of the class. Often, this is preferred over students performing the experiment if it is dangerous or if the materials are limited in quantity. Hands on activities are great ways for students to learn about the content.

Pros of demonstrations and hands on activities in science
  • Students are more engaged in demonstrations and hands on activities than any other instructional technique.
  • Students have the opportunity to observe phenomena and engage with real life science.
  • Increased engagement often correlates to increased understanding and increased retention of the content.
  • Students have the opportunity to collaborate, cooperate and communicate.
  • Demonstrations and hands on activities provide ways for students to practice skills such as measurement, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Demonstrations and hands on activities help students make connections between abstract science concepts and real world science.
Cons of demonstrations and hands on activities in science
  • Demonstrations and hands on activities require far more teacher prep time than any other instructional technique.
  • A teacher’s classroom budget may preclude purchasing the required materials, apparatus, and supplies.
  • Hands-on activities and demonstrations can be time-consuming, and fitting them into a limited class period may be challenging. Teachers may need to carefully plan and manage time to ensure that activities align with curriculum goals.
  • Some hands-on activities involve potentially hazardous materials or procedures. Ensuring the safety of students during experiments is a priority, and teachers must take precautions to minimize risks.
  • Setting up and organizing hands-on activities can be logistically challenging, particularly for large classes. Teachers need to consider space constraints, availability of equipment, and the practicality of the activity.
  • If not properly guided, hands-on activities may lead to misconceptions if students misinterpret results or draw incorrect conclusions. Teachers need to provide adequate guidance and debriefing to address any misunderstandings.



Case studies as a way to deliver content in science

Science teachers use case studies as a teaching method to deliver content in a more contextual and applied manner. Middle school students can get involved in case studies such as exploring ways to help endangered animals or pollution in a waterway. Case studies involve the exploration and analysis of real-world scenarios or situations, allowing students to apply scientific concepts to practical problems. In order to use a case study, a teacher provides background information and details about a real world situation, the individuals involved, and any relevant scientific principles. Often, the information is revealed in layers rather than all at once. Then, the students work to identify the scientific problems or questions presented in the case study by analyzing the situation, identifying variables, formulating hypotheses, and collecting additional information to evaluate different courses of action.

Pros of using case studies to deliver content in science
  • Students are often highly engaged which leads to stronger connections to the content and stronger retention.
  • Science teachers use case studies as a teaching method to deliver content in a more contextual and applied manner. Case studies involve the exploration and analysis of real-world scenarios or situations, allowing students to apply scientific concepts to practical problems.
  • Science teachers use case studies as a teaching method to deliver content in a more contextual and applied manner. Case studies involve the exploration and analysis of real-world scenarios or situations, allowing students to apply scientific concepts to practical problems.
  • Case studies allow students to practice the skill of collaboration, communication and critical thinking.
  • Case studies allow students to integrate knowledge from different areas of science, promoting a holistic understanding of scientific concepts and their interconnectedness.
  • Case studies are more easily differentiated for students of different interests and abilities.
Cons of using case studies to deliver content in science
  • Case studies require a large amount of preparation on the part of the teacher.
  • Using case studies in middle school is very time consuming and may require multiple class sessions.
  • Case studies can lack standardization, leading to variations in the learning experience from one class to another. This may pose challenges in terms of assessment and evaluation.

project based learning in middle school scienceProject based learning as a way to deliver content in science

Middle school science students can engage in a variety of group projects such as creating models of volcanoes, designing weather stations, comparing energy sources for a community, conducting water quality tests, investigating a local ecosystem and creating reports to share their findings.

Pros of group projects to deliver content in science
  • Group projects promote collaboration and teamwork, allowing students to work together to achieve common goals and share responsibilities.
  • Collaborative projects mirror real-world situations where scientists often work in teams. Students gain experience in a setting that reflects scientific research practices.
  • Group projects can enhance student engagement by making learning more interactive and allowing students to take ownership of their work.
  • Project based learning is more easily differentiated for students of different interests and abilities.
Cons of group projects to deliver content in science
  • Group projects take more time than other methods of instruction.
  • Some students may contribute more than others, leading to an imbalance in workload and potential frustration among group members.
  • Group projects can sometimes be affected by social dynamics, and issues such as cliques or conflicts among students may arise.
  • Weaker students may rely too heavily on the efforts of stronger group members, limiting their individual learning and development.
  • Some students may engage in off-task behavior during group work, reducing overall productivity and the quality of the final project.

Endangered Animals PBLNewton's Laws PBL

peer teaching in middle school science Peer teaching as a way to deliver content in science

Peer teaching is a valuable strategy that allows middle school science students to actively engage with the material, reinforce their own understanding, and develop communication skills. I’ve used peer teaching to explain the cycles in nature, the rock cycle, and human body systems – each group “teaches” a different cycle, rock type, or body system to the rest of the class.  Peer teaching is also useful for small discrete units of information – specific human mutations, for example, or types of symbiosis.

Pros of peer teaching in middle school science
  • Peer teaching encourages active learning which enhances engagement, understanding and retention.
  • Teaching a concept to peers requires students to articulate their understanding clearly. This process reinforces their own comprehension and helps solidify the information in their minds.
  • Peer teaching develops communication skills as students need to express ideas, explain concepts, and respond to questions from their classmates.
  • Collaborative learning is fostered through peer teaching, encouraging students to work together, share knowledge, and support each other’s learning.
Cons of peer teaching in middle school science
  • In some groups, not all students may actively participate in the peer teaching process. This can result in an uneven distribution of effort and learning.
  • If a student has a misconception, there is a risk that this misconception may be reinforced when they attempt to teach the concept to their peers.
  • If the teaching is not clear or well-organized, there is a risk that students may become confused or misinterpret the information being presented.
  • Peer teaching sessions may sometimes lack the depth of explanation that a teacher might provide. Some students may present information at a surface level, missing key details.
  • Peer teaching may take more time compared to traditional instruction methods, and teachers need to carefully manage time to cover the necessary content.

flipped classroom in middle school scienceFlipped Classroom to deliver content in science

In a flipped classroom model students engage with instructional content such as video lectures or readings, and practicing skills outside of class. In-class time is then used for hands-on activities, discussions, and collaborative learning. Class time is focused on applying knowledge through hands-on experiences rather than delivering content.

Pros of flipped classroom in middle school science
  • Students actively engage with the material both at home and in the classroom.
  • Students can receive the content at their own pace and on their own time, reviewing as needed.
  • In class activities promote a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.
  • Teachers have more opportunities to provide one-on-one support for struggling students.
  • Flipped learning can be easily differentiated for students of different interests and abilities.
Cons of flipped classroom in middle school science
  • Students need access to devices and the internet for reviewing instructional content.
  • Creating effective instructional materials requires careful planning and preparation.
  • Students need to be accountable for reviewing content outside of class and this may require parental support.


First, I’d love to know your favorite ways to deliver content in science – please comment below and let me know!

Each of the ways to deliver science content that we talked about here have their pros and cons. No one way is perfect – you either have to sacrifice time for engagement or engagement for time. For my money, the best teachers are the ones that switch it up.  Variety is, they say, the spice of life.


Interactive Notebooks in Middle School Science

What are Interactive Notebooks?

Interactive notebooks (INBs) are essentially a hybrid between a notebook and a scrapbook. Students use them to take notes, draw diagrams, create graphs, and paste in photos or other visuals to help them better understand the material. INBs are fantastic tools for teaching and learning in the classroom. They allow students to organize their notes and class materials in a creative and interactive way, making the learning process more engaging and enjoyable.

One of the great things about INBs is that they offer a way for students to personalize what they’re learning. Being creative and expressing themselves by using color to decorate their notebook helps students learn actively.

Another benefit of INBs is that they help students stay organized. Gone are the torn up folders with papers stuffed inside. Since the interactive notebook is a bound notebook, losing notes is a problem of the past. By having all of their class materials in one place, students can take control of their own learning.

How do you create an Interactive Notebook?

The first step in creating an interactive notebook is to choose a notebook that will work best for your students. I prefer hard covered bound composition notebooks – pages stay in place and nothing gets lost. Alternately, you can choose a spiral notebook or a binder with loose-leaf paper.

Students will want to design their cover. Let them be creative, use color, and glue pictures or stickers on the cover if they want. Give them a prompt like “Decorate your notebook with your favorite science topics” or “Make your notebook uniquely yours.” Some teachers prefer to provide students with a template to color and glue onto their composition notebook.

Be sure students write their names on the covers of the notebook. I also like to have students write their name on the top edge – it makes it easier to keep track when I’m grading.

I have students go through the entire notebook and number each page in the top right corner. Then, page 1 becomes the table of contents. As  new topics get added to their notebook, they should update the table of contents with the topic name and page number to make it easier to navigate.

If you’re going to collect and grade notebooks, another option is to have students glue the notebook rubric into the inside front cover of their INB. I grade notebooks at the end of every quarter. Students are expected to have notebooks that are neat, legible, well organized, and complete. All components must be correct. The rubric that I use to score INBs is here:

INB rubric




Decide how you want students to organize their notebooks. Some teachers have students use the right side of each page for teacher-directed activities such as notes and then use the left side for a student-directed response to the notes. Alternately, you can have students complete the activities in chronological order with each activity following the previous one.

Do you want to have students create a glossary? Some teachers have students set aside 8-10 pages at the end of the notebook for a glossary in which to list vocab terms and definitions as they are taught. Other teachers prefer to have a vocabulary page at the beginning or end of each unit.

Student directed pages in an INB

As a rule, I alternate between teacher directed and student directed activities in the INBs. For example, page 4 might be notes that students either write directly in the notebook or on a handout that students will tape/glue into their notebook. Then, page 5 is some kind of student directed activity that provides them with an opportunity to connect with the information. Here are some ideas for student input pages:

Tips and Tricks

  • Students will need glue sticks, tape, scissors, and colored pencils/crayons. Hang a pencil case with supplies from each desk, or place a bucket of supplies on each table.
  • I create a notebook along with my students. Not only does this help clarify expectations, but it also serves as an exemplar for absent students.
  • Use tabs to separate individual units.

Try out a free interactive notebook about minerals here.



Natural Selection Interactive Notebook Templates for Middle School

rock cycle interactive notebookSun, Earth and Moon Interactive Notebook Templates for Middle School

Your Telescope Buying Guide 2023


Embarking on the journey of purchasing a telescope is a thrilling endeavor that opens the vast wonders of the cosmos to curious minds. Whether you’re a budding astronomer eager to explore the intricacies of the night sky or a seasoned stargazer seeking an upgrade, this telescope buying guide is designed to be your celestial compass. In the pages ahead, we’ll demystify the key considerations for selecting the perfect telescope, from understanding different types and sizes to deciphering technical specifications. Whether you aim to observe the craters of the Moon, the rings of Saturn, or distant galaxies, this guide will illuminate the path toward choosing a telescope that aligns with your astronomical aspirations.

AstroGuy is a podcast and YouTube channel hosted by amateur astronomer Wayne Zuhl who lets us  know every month what to look for in the sky at night.  He has 40+ years of experience in the hobby and is a great source of information about planets and deep sky objects not to mention telescopes, binoculars, and related equipment.

This fall, the AstroGuy made some recommendations for beginners in the hobby. Below are affiliate links to all the equipment that he discussed in his podcast.  Clicking on the link won’t cost you any more than if you went to the site yourself.   If you click the link and buy from it sometimes he gets a small commission and that helps the channel a lot. Before you go and spend cash on a telescope, make sure you know what you’re doing! Here are his recommendations.


Start with a Planisphere!

For novice astronomers setting out on their celestial journey, a planisphere and a red light are indispensable tools that can significantly enhance their stargazing experience. A planisphere acts as a hands-on, user-friendly map of the night sky, allowing beginners to easily identify constellations and locate prominent celestial objects at any given time. It’s a simple yet powerful aid in understanding the ever-changing positions of stars and planets throughout the year.

It’s not difficult to build your own planisphere with these simple directions, but you can also invest $15 for a pretty nice one here.


Don’t forget the red light!

A red light is a solution for preserving night vision during observations. Unlike white light, which can disrupt the eyes’ adaptation to darkness, a red light allows astronomers to read star charts, adjust equipment, and navigate their surroundings without compromising their ability to see faint celestial details. Together, a planisphere and a red light form a dynamic duo, providing the foundational tools necessary for fledgling astronomers to navigate the vast expanse of the night sky with clarity and precision.


How to select binoculars:

In the realm of astronomical exploration, binoculars emerge as a versatile and compelling alternative to telescopes, particularly for both novice and experienced astronomers. While telescopes undoubtedly offer powerful magnification, binoculars bring a unique set of advantages to the stargazing table. Their inherent portability, ease of use, and wider field of view make them an ideal choice for sky gazers seeking a more immersive, accessible experience. Binoculars not only simplify the learning curve for beginners but also provide seasoned astronomers with the flexibility to quickly scan the night sky, making them excellent companions for casual observations or spontaneous celestial discoveries.

The numbers associated with binoculars, such as 7×35, 7×50, and 10×50, represent two key specifications: magnification power (the first number) and the diameter of the objective lenses in millimeters (the second number).

Bushnell Falcon 7x35s: These binoculars provide a magnification of 7 times the naked eye and have objective lenses with a diameter of 35mm. The 7x magnification strikes a balance between stability (less shakiness) and field of view.

Celestron 7x50s: Like the 7×35, these binoculars also have a 7x magnification but feature larger 50mm objective lenses. The larger objective lenses allow more light to enter, making them suitable for low-light conditions like stargazing. The wider diameter provides a brighter image.

Sky Genius 10x50s: With a higher magnification of 10 times and the same 50mm objective lens diameter, these binoculars offer more detailed observations of distant objects. However, the increased magnification can also make the image shakier, so they may benefit from stabilization features or a tripod for extended use.


Dobsonian Telescope Buying Guide

Dobsonian telescopes, popular among beginners for their simplicity and affordability, operate on a straightforward yet effective design. Named after their creator, John Dobson, these telescopes use a Newtonian reflector optical system. The heart of a Dobsonian telescope is a large, parabolic primary mirror that gathers and reflects light to a smaller secondary mirror, which, in turn, directs the light to the eyepiece. What sets Dobsonians apart is their altazimuth mount, a simple and intuitive base that allows for easy movement in both horizontal (azimuth) and vertical (altitude) directions. This uncomplicated design makes navigating the night sky more accessible for beginners, providing a stable platform for observing celestial objects without the complexity of equatorial mounts. Dobsonian telescopes are prized for their large apertures, offering impressive views of planets, galaxies, and nebulae, making them an excellent choice for those venturing into the captivating realm of amateur astronomy.

The Pros and Cons of Dobsonian Telescopes

Pro Con
Affordable for their size Can be bulky and heavy
Larger aperture – able to gather more light Most are not motorized
Simple design and easy to use Not usable for long exposure astrophotos
Collimation is relatively easy Usually lack Go-To capability
Wide-field of view Some assembly required

Here are some Dobsonians that AstroGuy recommends in his telescope buying guide:

Less than $300 Orion Starblast 4.5 Dobsonian SkyWatcher Heritage 130
$300-$500 Orion Skyline 6” Dobsonian SkyWatcher Virtuoso 130
$500-$1000 SkyWatcher Classic 200 Dobsonian SkyWatcher Classic 250 Dobsonian


Refracting Telescope Buying Guide

A refracting telescope uses lenses to gather and focus light, allowing users to observe distant celestial objects with clarity. At its core, the telescope features an objective lens positioned at the front, designed to capture and converge incoming light. This lens brings the light to a focal point, forming a clear image of the observed object. The eyepiece, located at the back of the telescope, magnifies this focused image, enabling observers to peer into the cosmos. The telescope’s magnification is determined by the ratio of the focal lengths of the objective lens and the eyepiece.

The Pros and Cons of Refracting Telescopes

Pro Con
High contrast views Can be expensive for their size
No collimation required Smaller aperture for their cost
Durable optics Cool down is required for stable images
No central obstruction like reflectors or cats Some designs suffer from aberrations
Easy to transport Some require additional accessories

AstroGuy’s telescope buying guide includes these recommendations::

Less than $300 Celestron AstroMaster 90 EQ SVbony 90mm Refractor
$300-$500 Celestron Star Sense 102 SkyWatcher StarTravel 120
$500-$1000 Celestron Omni XLT 120


Compound/Catadioptric Telescope Buying Guide

A catadioptric or compound telescope is combines lenses and mirrors to capture and magnify light. The heart of a catadioptric telescope includes a primary mirror at the back, which gathers and reflects light, and a corrector plate or lens at the front, which refines the image and eliminates optical aberrations. The combination of mirrors and lenses allows for a more compact design compared to traditional reflectors, making catadioptric telescopes highly portable without compromising on optical performance. Among the most popular designs are the Schmidt-Cassegrain and Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes, both revered for their versatility and the ability to deliver sharp, high-contrast views of celestial wonders. For beginners seeking a telescope that balances portability and optical excellence, a catadioptric design offers a captivating gateway to the wonders of the night sky.

The Pros and Cons of Compound Telescopes

Pro Con
Compact design Can be expensive for their size
Easy to transport More complex than refractors or reflectors
Versatile for different types of observations Steeper learning curve than refractors or reflectors
Minimized chromatic and spherical aberration Cats with longer focal lengths have limitations in wide-field views
Large apertures in relatively small packages Require periodic alignment and collimation
Suits a wide variety of budgets Heavier than other telescope designs


Here are some refractors AstroGuy recommends in a variety of prices:

Less than $300 Orion Starmax 90 Maksutov
$300-$500 Celestron SLT 90 Explore Scientific First Light 127 Mak 
$500-$1000 Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi with SkyMax 127 Celestron Nexstar 6 SE

Smart Telescope Buying Guide

Amateur astronomy has been revolutionized with the advent of smart telescopes, marking an exciting intersection of technology and stargazing. Smart telescopes, equipped with integrated computerized systems and advanced software, have become invaluable companions for beginners venturing into the hobby. These telescopes often feature automated alignment, GPS tracking, and smartphone connectivity, streamlining the once intricate process of finding and tracking celestial objects. For novice astronomers, this technological prowess translates into an immersive and user-friendly experience, eliminating much of the learning curve associated with traditional telescopes.

Smart telescopes can identify and locate celestial wonders with the touch of a button or a tap on a smartphone app, making the exploration of planets, stars, and galaxies more accessible and engaging than ever before.

Here are the 2 Smart Telescopes recommended by AstroGuy for this telescope buying guide:

$300-$500 ZWO Seestar 50 
$500-$1000 Dwarflab Dwarf II


Selecting the right eyepieces for your telescope is a crucial step in unlocking the full potential of your astronomical observations and no telescope buying guide would be complete without a mention of eyepieces. Eyepieces play a pivotal role in determining the magnification and field of view, directly impacting the clarity and detail of the celestial objects you observe. When choosing eyepieces for your new telescope, factors such as focal length, apparent field of view, and the type of celestial objects you wish to observe should be carefully considered. Understanding your telescope’s specifications and the inherent trade-offs between magnification and field of view will guide you in assembling a well-rounded eyepiece collection tailored to your specific astronomical interests. Whether you’re observing the Moon’s craters, tracking distant planets, or exploring deep-sky objects, a thoughtful selection of eyepieces will enhance your stargazing experience and allow you to appreciate the vast wonders of the night sky with clarity and precision.

Here are two eyepieces that AstroGuy recommends. Choose the one with the same size barrel as your telescope

2 inch barrel Celestron Ultima Edge 30 mm 2” eyepiece
1.25 inch barrel Orion 38mm Q70
Explore Scientific 10mm Argon


What are you treating yourself to this winter? Let us know in the comments!

Potential and Kinetic Energy Unit Plans

Understanding the fundamental concepts of potential and kinetic energy is essential in comprehending the behavior of objects in motion and unlocking the mysteries of the physical world around us. In this post, we’ll explore a week’s worth of lesson plans designed to make potential and kinetic energy come alive in the classroom. This potential and kinetic unit plan has been carefully crafted to provide students with hands-on experiences, engaging activities, and real-world applications. By actively participating in these lessons, students will develop a deep understanding of the principles of energy and gain the skills to apply them in practical contexts.

This unit on potential and kinetic energy is based on the Next Generation Science Standards and is suitable for middle schoolers.

Potential and Kinetic Energy Unit Plans

Why Focus on Potential and Kinetic Energy?

Potential and kinetic energy are two fundamental forms of energy that shape the world we live in. Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or condition, while kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. Understanding these concepts helps us make sense of how objects interact, how energy is transformed, and how forces affect the world around us.

By delving into potential and kinetic energy, students can grasp the underlying principles that govern everyday phenomena, from a swinging pendulum to the launch of a rocket. These concepts provide a solid foundation for further exploration in various scientific disciplines, including physics, engineering, and even environmental science.

NGSS Standards

This unit addresses the NGSS of MS-PS3-1 [Construct and interpret graphical displays of data to describe the relationships of kinetic energy to the mass of an object and to the speed of an object.] and MS-PS3-2 [Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a distance changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system].

I Can Statements

1. I can define potential energy and give examples of different forms of potential energy.
2. I can explain what kinetic energy is and provide examples of objects possessing kinetic energy.
3. I can differentiate between potential energy and kinetic energy and identify situations where each type of energy is present.
4. I can calculate potential energy using relevant formulas and understand the factors that affect its magnitude.
5. I can calculate kinetic energy using relevant formulas and understand the factors that affect its magnitude.
6. I can describe the relationship between potential energy and kinetic energy in various scenarios.
7. I can identify and explain real-life examples of energy conversion between potential and kinetic energy.
8. I can solve problems and perform calculations involving potential and kinetic energy.
9. I can analyze and interpret experimental results to reinforce my understanding of potential and kinetic energy.
10. I can evaluate the efficiency of energy transformations and propose ways to optimize energy transfer in practical situations.
11. I can investigate and demonstrate examples of potential and kinetic energy through experiments or demonstrations.
12. I can apply critical thinking skills to real-world applications of potential and kinetic energy.
13. I can discuss and analyze the impact of energy conservation and energy transformation in everyday life.
14. I can propose sustainable solutions that optimize the use of potential and kinetic energy resources.
15. I can effectively communicate scientific ideas, findings, and solutions related to potential and kinetic energy through oral, written, and visual means.
16. I can collaborate with my peers to share knowledge, perspectives, and work together on projects or experiments related to potential and kinetic energy.


Lesson Plans: Day 1: Introduction to Potential and Kinetic Energy

Objective: Students will understand the concepts of potential and kinetic energy, their relationship, and how they apply to real-world scenarios.

Slideshow presentation
Guided sketch notes 
– colored pencils
– Chromebooks, iPads, or other internet device for student access

– Potential and Kinetic Energy Boom Cards

Duration: 60 minutes


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
– Begin the lesson by asking students to share examples of objects or situations where they think energy is involved.
– Discuss their responses as a class, highlighting the various forms of energy they mention.

2. Introduction to Potential and Kinetic Energy (5minutes)
– Explain the concepts of potential and kinetic energy, providing definitions and examples for each.
– Emphasize that potential energy refers to stored energy due to an object’s position or condition, while kinetic energy is the energy of an object in motion.

3. Slideshow Presentation (20 minutes)
– Present the slideshow on potential and kinetic energy.
– Discuss the key points, definitions, and examples provided in the presentation. Students should fill in the sketch notes as the lesson progresses.

4. Conclusion and Wrap-up (5 minutes)
– Allow students to practice what they’ve learned using the Energy Boom Cards.
– Answer any remaining questions and clarify any misconceptions.


Lesson Plans Day 2: Exploring Potential and Kinetic Energy through Station Activities

Objective: Students will apply their understanding of potential and kinetic energy by participating in hands-on station activities.


Duration: 60 minutes


  1. Introduction and Review (10 minutes)
    • Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the concepts of potential and kinetic energy.
    • Remind students of the definitions and examples discussed in previous lessons.
  2. Station Activity Setup (5 minutes)
    • Divide the classroom into several stations, each focusing on a different activity related to potential and kinetic energy.
    • Set up the materials and instructions at each station, ensuring they are clearly labeled.
    • Assign students to small groups and provide them with a rotation schedule for moving through the stations.
    • Explain the rules and expectations for the station activities.
  3. Station Activities (30 minutes)a) Marble Ramp: Students will experiment with different ramp heights and measure the distance traveled by a marble. They will record the potential and kinetic energy calculations for each trial.b) Energy Tarsia Puzzle: Students cut out puzzle pieces and assemble them by matching definitions with key terms.c) Roller Coaster Simulation: Students will use a virtual roller coaster simulator to design and test roller coaster tracks. They will analyze the changes in potential and kinetic energy throughout the ride.d) Small group instruction:  In small groups, demonstrate how to calculate kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy. Use the energy workbook for sample problems to practice.
  4. Reflection and Discussion (5 minutes)
    • Gather the students together and facilitate a class discussion.
    • Ask students to share their experiences and observations from the station activities.
    • Encourage them to discuss how potential and kinetic energy were demonstrated in each activity.
    • Discuss any challenges or surprises they encountered and how they overcame them.
    • Summarize the key takeaways and address any questions or misconceptions.
  5. Conclusion and Wrap-up (5 minutes)
    • Review the main concepts of potential and kinetic energy covered in the lesson.
    • Reinforce the importance of understanding these concepts in everyday life and various applications.
    • Provide positive feedback and acknowledgment of student participation and engagement.
    • Encourage students to continue exploring and applying their knowledge of potential and kinetic energy outside the classroom.

Lesson Plans: Day 3: Calculating Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy

Objective: Students will practice calculating kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy using relevant formulas and apply them to real-world scenarios.

Energy Calculations self-checking worksheet

Energy Pixel Art Worksheet

– iPad or Chromebook for student internet access

Energy calculations riddle worksheet

Duration: 60 minutes


1. Introduction (5 minutes)
– Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the concepts of kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.
– Remind students of the formulas for calculating each type of energy.

2. Kinetic Energy Calculation Practice (5 minutes)
– Write the formula for kinetic energy (KE = mass * velocity^2/2) on the board.
– Explain the components of the formula: mass and velocity.
– Work through a few examples on the board, demonstrating how to calculate kinetic energy.

3. Gravitational Potential Energy Calculation Practice (5 minutes)
– Write the formula for gravitational potential energy (PE = mass * gravitational acceleration * height) on the board.
– Explain the components of the formula: mass, gravitational acceleration (g), and height.
– Work through a few examples on the board, demonstrating how to calculate gravitational potential energy.

4. Practice (20 minutes)

– Provide students with copies of the Energy Pixel Art Worksheet to solve independently or in pairs.

– Allow students to work independently or in pairs to solve the digital self-checking worksheet and the pixel art worksheet.

– Circulate the classroom to provide assistance and address any questions or misconceptions.

5. Conclusion and Wrap-up (5 minutes)
– Summarize the main concepts covered in the lesson, emphasizing the calculations for kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.
– Discuss any challenges or common mistakes students encountered during the practice.
– Address any remaining questions or concerns.

Lesson Plans Day 4: Reviewing Potential and Kinetic Energy

Objective: Students will review the concepts and calculations related to potential and kinetic energy in preparation for an upcoming assessment.

Energy foldable

Energy Color By Number 

Energy Whole Class Quiz Game

Duration: 60 minutes


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)
– Begin the lesson by asking students to recall and define potential energy and kinetic energy.
– Have them provide examples of each type of energy and briefly explain the concept behind it.
– Discuss their responses as a class, ensuring clarity and understanding.

2.  Group Quiz Game (20 minutes)

– Divide your class into 4 teams and play the Energy Quiz Game.

3. Concept Review (20 minutes)
– Allow students to complete the Energy foldable   and Energy Color By Number for additional review.

4. Closure and Final Tips (5 minutes)
– Summarize the key points and formulas covered during the lesson.
– Provide final tips or strategies for success on the upcoming assessment.
– Encourage students to review their work, ask any remaining questions, and seek assistance if needed before the assessment.
– Express confidence in their abilities and wish them good luck.


Lesson Plans Day 5: Potential and Kinetic Energy Assessment Day

Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of potential and kinetic energy by completing an assessment.

Energy Assessment

– Chromebook or iPad for student internet access

Duration: Varies based on assessment length and timing


1. Introduction (5 minutes)
– Begin the lesson by briefly reminding students about the importance of potential and kinetic energy in understanding the behavior of objects.
– Reinforce the key concepts, formulas, and units of measurement for potential and kinetic energy.

2. Assessment Instructions (5 minutes)
– Distribute the assessment by directing students to the online platform where the assessment is hosted.
– Clearly explain the instructions, time limit, and any specific guidelines or restrictions for completing the assessment. Provide scratch paper and calculators.
– Address any questions or concerns raised by students regarding the assessment.

3. Assessment Completion (Varies)
– Allow students the necessary time to complete the assessment.
– Encourage them to read each question carefully, show their work when required, and double-check their calculations.
– Remind students to manage their time effectively to ensure they can answer all questions within the allotted time frame.

4. Reflection and Discussion (10 minutes)

– Facilitate a class discussion about the assessment experience.
– Encourage students to share their thoughts, challenges, or questions they encountered during the assessment.
– Address any common concerns or misconceptions that emerged during the assessment.


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potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle potential and kinetic energy bundle